Sunday, May 22, 2011

Totally gross....

I got up this morning to let the dog out and discovered the dog had diarrhea last night and either didn't try to wake me or couldn't.  I can be a sound sleeper sometimes.  Fortunately, two of the three puddles was on the kitchen floor, while completely disgusting, was easy to clean up.  Unfortunately, the third puddle was on the carpet.  I'm really beginning to wish I had picked the house with all non-carpet flooring instead even if it was all laminate.  I've been in this house less than a year and already the carpet has multiple splotches on it from where the cat or dog puked on it.  Now I have a basketball sized brown stain.  I've already tried the carpet stain remover I have and while it is lighter than what it was, it is still really noticeable.  Grrr....  Any ideas on how to get the stain out or at least make it less brown?

I still think this 2ww is going by too slowly but I can still say that I haven't been obsessing much.  I don't really have much hope for this cycle but I think that is more just my pessimism rather than a sign.  I think the worst part of having multiple bfn's is starting to doubt yourself.  Instead of positively looking forward to having a child, you start thinking of all the reasons why it is not a good idea.  State of the economy, the really horrible people out there that you hear on the news about harming a child, your own past and whether or not it is conducive to being a good parent, your current situation with your family and whether or not it is right to bring a child into the world knowing most of the 'family' are going to look down on him or her for having a single mother, and of course the main one of only having one parent not two.  This is why I should not be given time to think.  I spend too much of it worrying about things that I don't need to worry about or have already worried about enough.  Just a few more days before I can test....  if I can make it that far.

I had to work yesterday but fortunately I did not get sunburned like last time.  That was truly miserable.  This time I remembered to buy sunblock (80spf) and put that on but I still got a little pinkish.  I hate to have seen or felt what my skin would have felt like if I had not used sunblock.  I really hate being outside when it is hot and sunny.  Let's hope I don't have to for again for awhile.



  1. When one of my dogs was a puppy, she had a sensitive stomach and frequently had accidents on the carpet. I invested in a steam cleaner and steamed the carpets on an almost weekly basis and do spot cleaning for the accidents. I think it was one of the best investments I made.

    I'm also in the 2ww and can totally relate to the pessimism. I can't even bring myself to test because I just can't handle seeing that BFN again. I'll know soon enough and I just want to hang onto a little bit of hope.

  2. I have a Kirby but I still need to buy the carpet shampooing accessories. I just hate to spend that kind of money. I'm an impulsive buyer and bought it spur of the moment and while I like it, I also regret the amount of money spent on it. One of these days I'll buy the accessories and figure out how to shampoo my carpet. Someday.

  3. I second the steam cleaner....pretty cheap to rent for a day if yours isn't operational. I have used one after treating the area with a product from:

    It really works! Sorry to hear your dog was sick. Poor thing.

  4. Poor puppy! For cat vomit, I've always had success with Spot Shot brand carpet cleaner. It's worth a try!

    I understand the pessimism - I hope that you get to see two lines in just a few days!

  5. I got a little handheld carpet cleaner to help with puppy accidents. I remember (not fondly at all) stepping in a puddle of diarrhea once. The things that our dogs do!

  6. Oxyclean is good on anything organic - including poop and red wine. I also had a carpet cleaner when I had carpets and a dog. And when it's too old a stain for Oxy, the Spot Shot mentioned above is good.
