Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Do I really need a title?

Fortunately, this 2ww while going by slowly, is not causing me to obsess much.  I've gone hours without even thinking about it or wondering or thinking every twinge is related to preg.  I'm so proud of myself!  *eyeroll*

I'm glad I'm not too obsessive this time around but I do wish the 2ww would go by faster.  This dragging of time is really unnecessary.  Really. 

Work is going by in crazy spurts and slow dragging lurches which makes this week feel like a month should have gone by instead of just a couple of days.  If I didn't make so much here (and way over what I would get anywhere else), I would so look for a new job to break up the monotony. 

I'm sorry if I haven't responded to anyone or replied to any posts.  I've maybe read just a couple of other blog posts in the last 4 days so I am way behind on my reading.  Well, I've been reading.. but it has been just fanfic and fiction books.  I've been ignoring anything baby related for the last few days.  Probably cause I'm trying to keep my mind off the 2ww and don't want to obsess... it seems to be working.  Plus I did have a stomach bug for the last couple of days that I finally seem to have gotten over.. and no I did not obsess whether or not it was caused by pg stuff... promise.  I've actually wondered if it was detrimental to any possible pg.  Not that I obsessed about it or anthing.  Really.

Don't believe me do you?  I really didn't obsess much.  Just a tiny little bit.

Back to work I go.... Must look busy.

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