Tuesday, May 24, 2011

My subconscious is convinced....

Sunday night I dreamed that I took a preg test and it came up positive, but in my dream I didn't use a familiar pg test and was rushing around trying to find the directions so I could verify the results.  The alarm woke me before I could find them.  Last night I dreamed I used a familiar pg test and it came up positive.  In my dream I squealed in happiness and then ran and got my camera so I could take a picture of it.  The alarm woke me up just as I was trying to take a picture.  The dream was so realistic it took awhile to remember that I hadn't done so in real life.  I took a test but so far it is negative (although I did use an Internet cheapie that I've never used before.  I actually thought for a moment it was going to come up positive because a second line showed up but it just traveled across the stick and merged with the control line.  I have to remember not to look at those things until the time has gone by) but it is still early enough that it could still be a false negative.... hopefully.  Anyway, apparently, my subconscious is convinced I'm pregnant... at least that's my take on it.  Still a few more days before I can know for sure...  The waiting is starting to get to me. 

I managed to get most of the stain out of the carpet.  It is still a little noticeable but no where near as bad as I thought it was going to be.  I'm happy about that. 

Well, I completely forgot what else I meant to say so I'm off to work...


1 comment:

  1. Here's hoping your subconscious knows more than you do right now!
