Saturday, May 14, 2011

Once again...

It is the beginning of another 2ww.  So I'm keeping my fingers crossed that this is the one that takes.  *please,please,please*  I'm going to have to find some activity to keep me distracted so I don't obsess too much this cycle but of course I can't think of a single thing to obsess about other than baby stuff.  Didn't I use to have a life that wasn't baby obsessed???? 

Next week is going to be horrible.  Not just because of me obsessing but the other boss is going to be back in town and is going to have a crap load of stuff for me to do and probably complain about the stuff I'm behind on.  Hopefully, I'll get most of it caught up before she has a chance to gripe. 

It is so nice and pretty outside.  If I didn't have issues with the sun (sunburns are not fun) I would so be out there enjoying the nice breeze.  Of course I have the windows open to enjoy it but I also have the door open which apparently was an invitation to every single bug in the neighborhood to drop on in.  I really need to install a screen door. 

Well, I think I'm going to go watch a movie..... or maybe go to the mall..... or...or...or...  Yeah, I'm off to find something to do not in my house.  Cleaning is so overrated anyway.



  1. Wishing you a speedy 2ww with a well deserved BFP at the end!

  2. Thanks! I hope you and baby Finn are doing well.

  3. I hope it's a quick and stress-free two weeks...with a happy ending! (I'm a sucker for happy endings.)
