Saturday, April 23, 2011

My House...

I've been in the blogging mood today but didn't have a whole lot to talk about (at least not anything that I could put on a blog) and I realized that I've talked about my house but haven't shown some pics.  So here is my brand new home that I moved into last September.  It was a new constuction that I got a great deal on because it had been sitting in the builder's inventory for a few months.  The pics are from the day of closing and the two days later when I was mostly moved in.  I've made some addtional changes that I haven't taken pics of.

Front Entry

Living Room


Backyard (it is greener now)

Living Room after adding some of my stuff

Dining Area after adding my stuff
(and the front door to the right &
garage door to the left)

I've been extremely blessed to get a house I love and it is big enough to grow into, but that I didn't have any expensive purchases to make when I moved in.  It came with all the appliances.  Yes, that includes the washer/dryer and refrigerator and stove. 

I must go do stuff...  I have spent too much money online today.  Things I can use sure... but I don't really need to be spending the money either so I'm going to go do something that leaves my bank account alone.


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