Apparently my sub conscious interprets hopeful feelings and turns them into baby dreams. I actually had a couple of dreams last night about having a son. I didn't have any baby dreams last month but did have them the month before. They are a kind of sweet torture cause when I wake up for just a second I forget they aren't real and reach for my dream baby and then wake up and realize the baby isn't real.
Things are kind of dragging at work. Mostly because it is the beginning of another 2ww and I must torture myself by wondering and hoping and then trying not to be too hopeful. My mother is eagerly waiting to be a grandmother. Everytime I've talked to her since telling her of my decision to start ttc she has asked whether or not I'm pregnant yet. So far she is only one of my family that knows (unless she has told anyone else) that I'm trying but I do know that a couple of my cousins are either pregnant or working on getting pregnant.
I have a coworker that may start ttc in the next year or two. She has been married a couple years and she thinks they will be ready to have kids soon. She's put it off mostly because her parents keep bugging for grandkids and annoying her about it but her and her husband have started work on their house and she thinks when they finish they will start trying which is only a few months away.
I wish we had Canada's maternity leave here in the US. I am sooooo jealous! Really, they get a whole year? I'm going to have to beg just to get 8 weeks at my job and use up some of my vacation as well.
Okay, I'll stop rambling... I'm bored at work but I do have a ton of things to do... pffft
Edited to add... I haven't quite figured out how to respond to comments yet. So for those that have commented, thanks for your comments, I'm not ignoring you but I'm an idiot and haven't figured out how to respond.
Also on the Canada maternity, I'm not actually positive on that one but I've had several blog friends mention it but I haven't actually looked to see if it is country wide policy or maybe just a specific company or location since I would be horribly tempted in trying to relocate there.
I'm doing almost nothing at work. It happens.
ReplyDeleteBut I didn't know that Canadian maternity leave was a full year! I might relocate... seriously. If I have to do this by myself, I want as much free help as possible.
As far as I know, maternity leave in Canada is a year nation-wide. It certainly is in my province and I feel so thankful for that (assuming I'm fortunate enough to get pregnant). I can't imagine having to go back to work just a few weeks after giving birth!
ReplyDeleteAs for baby dreams, I have those quite often, too. And I never want to wake up from them. *sigh*
I am so jealous. That is actually one of the things that makes me hesitant about being a single mom. I've always wanted to be the stay at home mom... well at least for the first year or two.
ReplyDeleteIf I hadn't just bought a house I would see about relocating to Canada.
Yep, our mat leave is a year. Technically, mat leave is 17 weeks and is only available to the one who gives birth. Then parental leave of 35 weeks is available to 1 or both parents. If both want to take leave they have to divide the 35 weeks. This is paid at 55% of salary. If you can work it out with your employer to take vacation, unpaid leave or whatever the 2nd parent could also take time off and not subtract it from the 35 weeks.
ReplyDeleteThe 55% benefits come from our employment insurance program which is national. You have to work 600 insurable hours before taking leave to qualify. Many employers offer some type of top up. I haven't heard of one that tops up to 100% but mine does to 93% of salary. It makes it so much easier to be a SMC.
Oh, and the 35 weeks of parental leave is available to adoptive parents as well.
Urghh.... so not fair!!! Maybe I should look into moving...
ReplyDeleteYes, you should! Just be sure to pick a part of Canada that has less than seven months of winter.
ReplyDeleteBtw, I've nominated you for the Versatile Blogger award. If you haven't already been nominated by someone else, please visit my blog and grab your award. :)
I have nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award. I just noticed that M already nominated you. You are now doubly awarded. My post is at: for the details.