Friday, April 22, 2011

Eeek.. I've been nominated...

Okay, so I've been nominated by M author of Sprout and I've also been nominated by Jen author of Struggling to Become a Family of Two.  Let's hope I do this right. 

These are the rules:
1. Winners grab the image above and put it in your blog.
2.Link back to the person who gave you it.
3.Tell 10 things about yourself
4.Award 15 recently discovered bloggers.
5.Contact the bloggers you have awarded to let them know they have won.

Ten Things about me:

1)  I'm clumsy.  My nickname in junior high and high school was destructo butt.  Not very flattering.
2)  I spent a couple of years in foster care as a child.  They still remain the best years of my childhood.
3)  I am a fad person.  I'll start a hobby or project and be super excited about it at first but rarely finish because I lose interest.  I blame this on ADHD.
4)  I have always been an animal lover.  For years I wanted to be a vet until I realized I couldn't stand seeing injured animals all the time.  Horses are my favorite.
5)  I'm squeamish about things that are real but have no problems watching gory movies and laughing at the mutilation.
6)  I smoked for 10 years but quit in June of 08.
7)  I love ice cream.  I consider it one of the main food groups and will it eat it year round no matter the temperature.
8)  I never wanted to be a ballerina as a kid.  I wanted to be a vet or later on I wanted to be a fed.  I was a tomboy and hated (still hates) make up.
9)  When I was a kid, I wanted ten kids.  The number started going down after I hit my twenties and realized how hard things were financially.  I still want at least two but would like four (I have a weird thing about even numbers... don't know why).
10)  I'm socially awkward.  I hate being in social settings because I will nearly always say or do something that I don't mean the way it came out but it ends up completely embarrassing me and makes wish I had stayed home and hid under the bed.  Verbal diarrhea is no fun.

Fifteen bloggers....  Uh... give me a sec...

On the other hand...  I'm completely new and every blog I've seen has been around longer than me.  I also can't seem to find anyone that either hasn't been nominated in the last couple of weeks or they are going through a bad time.  If you know of someone that I should nominate let me know and I'll add them.

1 comment:

  1. # 10 - that is so me!
    # 3 - hmmm.. not finishing is my middle name. I blame it on my sign (gemini).
    #11 - nice to meet you :-).
