Monday, April 18, 2011

I hate being sick...

I do not make a good patient.  I so rarely get sick that when I do, I turn into a whiney baby.  Unfortunately, the drugs the dentist gave me made me feel ill while taking them.  Hopefully, we're done with them for the time being.  I had to go back last week and have them grind down the temp crowns because they were way too high and I couldn't even chew. 

I made the decision to go ahead and do 1 insem.  Not because I'm trying too hard this month but because I know me, and I know that if I didn't, I would b*tch at myself for not doing.  So I only did 1 insem and that's it and while I'm not actually expecting a positive this month, I am actually fairly hopeful.  Don't know why, but I've got a good feeling about it which is going to make getting a negative even more disappointing.  Oh and anyone else doing at home insems...  use the in.stead soft.cups.  Much, much better than using a syringe.



  1. I'm sorry you're not feeling well and glad the dental meds are done with. I get sick on medications too and hate it. Good luck with this month's cycle. Sometimes your own intuition is the best indicator of success! Stay positive...I am crossing my fingers for you!

  2. Good luck! I tried one in March on the sly... it didn't work but I wasn't really ready and the doc and I rushed the whole process. I know how you feel and my wish for you is that this works and you get your BFP. ((hugs))

    p.s.- I got an abdominal cramp from doing core work on Saturday and you would have thought there were leprechauns digging for gold in my belly. I tend to be a teensy bit overdramatic when I'm ill so don't feel bad about wanting better meds.
