Sunday, April 24, 2011

Drinking coffee before bed bad....

So after going through caffiene withdrawals I decided one cup of coffee last night wouldn't hurt.  Unfortunately, I waited until way too late to drink it so an hour after I should have been sleeping, I was setting up this:

The box in the corner is misc fabric that I have no clue what to do with.
The extra carpet on the left side bottom of the photo was excess
the builder gave me.  I thought I would put it down so my cats
could use it as a scratching post instead of my carpet.
They haven't touched it but they have destroyed other sections of carpet.

Fabric I have plans for is sorted and stored on a shelf right behind me.

I'm not actually sure what I'm trying to do here...
Mostly making a mess I'm sure.

Another view of my mess in the making.
I'm thinking I'll probably use them as rags if they survive the washer.

Front with fold over to show backing.
My first quilt I ever made... I had a little help but not much.


My mother once again called to find out if there was anything to report yet.  I'm beginning to think I underestimated her desire to be a grandmother.  It is also official that I have at least two cousins pregnant but there is a possibility of a third.  Apparently it is baby making season in my family.  Let's hope that includes me.

I also have a question for those smarter than me.  My cousin had a child with spina bifida.  I thought that was a condition that was random and wasn't caused by genetics but by the lack of folic acid.  When my mother called, she said my cousin decided not to have more kids because they said she was more likely to have another child with SB.  Is this true?  She also claimed that it came from the father's genetics?  Ummm...  I didn't think it had anything to do with genetics? 

In other stuff... does anyone know what this crud is?  It started out as a whitish color now it is brown.  When water hits it, it plumes up in a cloud of brown dust.  Do I need to be concerned?

What is this stuff?

It started out as white but has discolored into this.



  1. Beautiful quilt. I have a goal of sewing my own quilt someday.

    I found this on "The exact cause of Spina Bifida is unknown. It is believed both genetic factors (one or more genes) and environmental factors interact to cause Spina Bifida. Therefore, it is possible individuals inherit multiple genes that make them susceptible to having Spina Bifida, but something in the environment triggers the Spina Bifida to develop.

    While there is no guaranteed method of preventing a baby from having a birth defect, there are methods to reduce the risk. Studies show that folic acid, a water-soluble B-vitamin, can reduce the chance of a baby having Spina Bifida by up to 75% when a woman takes it prior to becoming pregnant and through the first trimester."

    As for the brown stuff, no clue.

  2. Thanks, Sewing a quilt isn't too hard... just time consuming. I have three more ready to sew but just haven't done them yet. Maybe soon.

    Okay, I didn't go to the SB main site I just did google and the one that came up didn't really mention the genetics just the folic acid.

  3. That is a beautiful quilt. I have aspirations of making a larger quilt - so far I've only made baby blankets.
