Thursday, March 24, 2011

That time once again...

Yep, it is once again the 2ww.  I'm trying not to be so obsessive or crazy this time around.  Anytime I start obsessing, I immediately stop thinking about it and start thinking about something else.  It seems to be working somewhat.  Hopefully, it'll continue.
Apparently, my missing cat is still alive and living wild.  She made an appearance the other night in the back yard but by the time I got out there she was gone again.  I'm glad she's still alive but I'm kinda wondering how she is managing.  She's always been a housecat.  Heck, I think bugs are the biggest thing she's ever caught before.  Hmm..  at least she seems to be doing alright.

Not much else is going on right now.  I had a couple days off this week so went shopping and watched a movie.  I'm now back at work and already ready for Friday.  This week has started dragging.  ~bleh~



  1. Good Luck! Hopefully this will be the cycle that is successful!

  2. Sounds like your cat is having a rumspringa! Hahaha!

    Good luck on your 2ww. Fingers and toes are crossed for you!
