Friday, March 25, 2011

Can you die of boredom?

No, seriously, can you die of boredom?  I feel like I'm going to go crazy, not because I'm obsessing over every little twinge or symptom I'm having (like last month), but because my brain is refusing to focus on anything for more than five minutes.  I'm either too tired to do anything or too distracted which is leaving me feeling bored and restless.  Neither feeling is one I do well with.  Me being bored or restless leads to doing things I'll regret afterwards.  Like going shopping and spending bill money on some useless piece of crap that I won't use again after a day or two.  Not that I'll do that this time...  nope, I'm staying away from eb*y and other sto.res.  Must resist the urge....  must resist the urge...

At least I'm not really obsessing too much in this 2ww.  Last time in, I was super excited and pretty much convinced that it was going to work right away.  I knew logically that the odds of that happening were very slim but I still couldn't help it.  This time around I'm going in hoping that there is success but already feeling like it didn't work and I should just start thinking about future attempts.  I'm not stressing so much this time which is good...  being defeatest already.... a little on the bad side...   Hmmm...  I'm beginning to think I really am bipolar with the drastic changes in attitude from last month to this month.

The dog is currently on a food strike.  He doesn't like dog food.  (I accidently dropped some human food that he got to before I could pick up.  Since then he has decided he will not eat his dog food whether canned or dry.)  I don't want to feed him human food but I'm worried he'll starve.  I need to figure out what to give him so he'll eat but that is healthy for him to eat and not human food.  He's not acting like he's starving to death yet so I'm hoping that he'll just start eating again when he realizes that I'm not going to be giving him human food.

I'm off to go die of boredom.  Bored... bored... bored...



  1. Yes, I firmly believe it is possible. But I'm sure there's something fun and FREE that you can do! Its flag football season here & I like to go to the park & watch all the very athletic and toned men run & throw & catch & mmmm...

    Don't go near the stores though! I've done the scramble for bill money before. The dress/shoes/trinket never seem as nice after that.

  2. My dog has never turned down any food. But he did go through a couple of days of weaning off canned. He was not happy and he didn't starve. I suggest mixing some canned and dry to get your dog eating and then slowly eliminating the wet.
