Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Apparently no longer in the 2ww has made me less crazy and obsessive.  Not sure where the craziness came from or where it went to, but now I'm my usual laid back calm self.  I much prefer this self than I do to the crazy person I was a couple of weeks ago.  Not much to talk about lately.  Just waiting for the next try to begin. 

The missing cat has not made an appearance yet.  I'm going to assume at this point she won't be returning.  Since I like living in denial, I'm going to assume she found an awesome family she loves more than me and is living the high life.  My other cat is still super happy.  She has become queen of the house and has demanded my attention as often she can.  She just radiates smug joy over being the only cat in the house.  I think if she could figure out a way to do it, she would get rid of the dog as well.  He is on the quiet side and keeps looking at me like he's horribly sad.   Ugh...  I don't know what's going on with him.  He's either much more attached to the missing cat than I thought or he's depressed about something else.  Not sure what though.

I've managed to continue drinking lots of water and have lost another pound.  Yayy!!  I'm happy about that.  I've not taken vitamins in a few days though.  Since I get pukey when I start my cycle, it's not a good idea to do anything that will make me gag.  So I stopped and now I stare at them in dread and haven't been able to take them again, yet.  Will work on that... maybe...  ~stares~


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