Saturday, March 26, 2011

Tarot, anyone?

I'm not a huge believer in Tarot but I have to admit that they occassionally come up with some pretty accurate results.  So being bored and trying to stay away from things that will get me in trouble, I decided to get a couple of tarot readings done.  I've actually had three done in the last week.  Every single one of them has mentioned fertility, as in, every single one has said this is good time for it and that it will happen soon.  So if I believe the tarot cards, I should be pregnant soonish.  I'm just not sure what soon means... this month, next month... six months from now?

I did go shopping although I didn't get carried away.  I just got a pair of shoes to replace another pair of shoes that are ready to fall apart.  So I did good in that aspect.  I need to do some housework instead of looking for ways to waste money but I haven't got the will power yet.... maybe soonish...

I hate when I get my nails done and they mess them up and I don't notice until it will be a hassle to fix them.  Very annoying... 

Off to stare at the pile of laundry until it annoys me enough to do something about it...


1 comment:

  1. I respect the art of Tarot like I respect any other art but I never put too much stock in it.

    And make them fix your manicure! If you wanted messed up nails you could have done them at home for free.
