I'm used to having weird dreams. I frequently have dreams that are so real I wake up and take several minutes to even remember that they aren't even if they are so unrealistic as to not even be possible in reality. I even sometimes have dreams that are so realistic that I believe they actually happened until I'm faced with the truth like thinking I've had a conversation with someone only to realize I only dreamed it (sometimes by discussing with that person as if it happened... nothing like getting a 'you're crazy look' when you talk about something that didn't actually happen but you thought did).
Anyway, last night my dreams took on a new level of surreal. I can't remember the entire dream but the whole thing was in bright cartoon like colors. I usually dream in color but this was not the usual in color dreams. This was like being in a cartoon. It started out that I was at my parents house and they had a huge aquarium with various tropical fish in it and a few that wouldn't be found naturally in nature (This is not something my parents would do. They have no interest in having an aquarium or fish of any kind other than to eat). I know there was some even weirder parts of the dream after that but the alarm kept interrupting and I've forgotten most of those parts. The aquam.an rescuing the old frail scientist after a ring summoned him is quite frankly a little strange.
The next part I clearly remember is being apart of the underwater theme (which at the start of the dream was just an aquarium in my parents house and somehow morphed into an entire ocean by the time the weird underwater guy showed up and played heroics) and freaking out over a hot pink starfish/octopus thing (It had the general shape of a starfish but the tentacles of an octopus). It kept trying to come to me and I kept trying to keep it away. In my dream I was super freaked out about it although it seemed to be harmless if not a little creepy. Seriously, hot pink? The turqoise starfish was a nice touch though. That's about when the alarm clock managed to finally wake me.
lol... Anyway, any hints to what my warped brain is trying to tell me?
Also, the 2ww seems to get slower and slower... Can I just fast forward to next week so I can go ahead and know for sure? I'm still trying not to obsess too much but while last time I was positive it worked, this time I'm not so I just want to know for sure so I can get it out of the way. I even drank decaf coffee this morning because I wanted to avoid too much caffeine just in case. Has it really only been 7 since ovulati.on?
*slowly going insane*
Oh those 2ww can seem to drag on. Hang in there! Good Luck!