Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Still waiting....

So I have posted in the last couple of days cause I doubt you want me to go on and on about how sure I am that I'm pg.  Actually, I've been positive of success from pretty much the beginning even before "physical" symptoms started which have been many and varied.  I still have several more days to go before I can take a HPT and determine one way or another what's going on.  Random bullets of things.

1)  I hate taking pills.  I gag almost every single time I have to take pills even with little bitty pills.  Prenatal, fish oil, and co 10 (whatever it is called) pills are all horse sized pills.  They do not go down easily.  But for now, I'm taking them along with folic acid.

2)  I hate drinking water most of the time.  Water tastes bad to me, which makes me gag.  I have a hard time swallowing anything that I don't like the taste of because I gag, alot.  Unfortunately, I'm drinking lots of water.  For the first time in probably a decade, I'm drinking close to my daily recommended intake of water. 

3)  I've never suffered from high blood pressure but my dentist recorded a slightly elevated blood pressure.  I'm pretty sure that was just caused by the stress of going to see a dentist but in the event that it is not, I've started taking co-10, fish oil, and folic acid and drinking more water.  I wanted to also take the garlic and green tea extract supplements but google-fu claims that they might be bad news for developing babies so for now I'm holding off until I know for sure.  I walk 30mins to an hour every day.  Hopefully, I'll start to add some more exercise to that. 

4)  I've been overweight since my teens.  I don't loose weight easily.  When I was a teenager I was on hypo-thyroid medicine and lost most of that extra baggage.  When I stopped taking them, I gained it all back plus some.  My last doctor insists there is nothing wrong with my thyroid.  I guess I'll have to take his word for it.  Over the last year due to increase in exercise and better diet I have lost 20 lbs... although I need to lose a hundred more.  Here's hoping that I continue to lose the fat while working on ttc.

5)  This 2ww thing is crazy.  I've just started and I feel like an eternity has already gone by and still an eternity to go.  I'm not sure how I'm going to hold up with multiple 2ww's.  I'm not even sure how I'm going to wait 9months for a baby. 

6)  I've come to realize that I have unreasonable expectations for prenatal care.  I've read so many blogs where they get ultrasounds so often that I was thrown off when I realized that when/if I'm successful it will not happen that often for myself. 

Okay, so I'll stop rambling and continue my obsessing quietly.


1 comment:

  1. I feel ya about the weight loss. That's a big part of why I got a new Dr. My last Dr. made me feel bad about wanting children when I'm 83 (yes, she was specific) pounds overweight. But water is good for ya and you're doing a great job with that!

    I know that there's a liquid you can take instead of the fish oil pills; check any wellness store. Because when I was on them I was burping tuna and that's just not right.

    And everyone's care is different. Lots of ultrasounds sound great until you realize those women are high-risk. I think I'd rather have a safe pregnancy with fewer pics.

    Good luck! My fingers and toes are crossed for ya!
