Soooo... my positive feelings have slowing been waning. When I started the 2ww I was about 98% of success. Now... I'm only about 30% it worked and 70% that this month is a bust. I'm not really sure why I'm suddenly negative nelly but I think it is because I'm suddenly feeling better. No cramping, no dizziness, no nausea, no unusual hunger or food cravings or any other possible pregnancy symptoms. They just all kind of cleared up yesterday so instead of being super positive, I'm now super negative. Plus, it doesn't help that the days are just dragging. I'm ready for these last few days before I can test to just be over and done with. AF is due middle of next week so I will know for sure one way or another then.
In other news, the goal to drink more water is still going strong but I may give it up if I keep having to go pee every 30-45 mins. That is not something I want to be doing all day. I even had to get up 2 or 3 times last night which means I've been super sleepy all day. I am also wondering what has been setting off my allergies. I have a stuffy nose and have been sneezing all day.
Time to go pee once again....
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