Sunday, March 6, 2011

Couldn't wait anymore...

So I ended up taking a preg test again at 10dpo.  It was negative.  I'm pretty sure I'm out this month.  Not just because I took a test early and it said negative but I'm already having symptoms of pms so I am pretty sure this next week I'll be starting.  Bummer...

In other news...  I'm losing weight again.  I've lost about 2lbs in the last week.  I'm super thrilled about that.  I'm hoping it keeps up.  I'm still taking way too many pills.  I'm disgusted by them but I'm trying to just keep taking them and not slack off like I want to.  I'm also keeping up with drinking lots of water.  I think I've probably just lost the weight because of all the running to the bathroom every 30 mins.  Oh well... a pound is a pound no matter how it came off. 

I haven't yet decided yet if I'm going to try this next month or not.  On one hand, I don't want to put it off and wait months or even years before picking back up.  On the other hand, there are some things I want to take care of before a baby gets added to the mix.  I'll probably wait and see what the new dentist says.  I decided to go to another dentist and get a second opinion.  Partly because I'm sure the other dentists rates were a little on the high side and partly because I want to make sure there isn't going to be any unnecessary work done.  I'll probably do it in stages until I can pay for it all. 

I'll be 33 at the end of this month.  I'm starting to feel old.  I'm not ready to feel old, yet. 



  1. Sending happy thoughts that this cycle is the one. You still have a few days. And 33 is no where near old! Good Luck!

  2. Apparently I also suck at editing comments...

    Thanks! I'm still a little hopeful but mostly planning for the next cycle.

    I don't really think I'm that old. Most of the time I still feel very young. I think the only reason I'm worried is because most of my mother's side of the family hit menopause in the late thirties and I'm worried I will also.

    Good Luck! I'll keep my fingers crossed that this cycle is the one for you!

  3. Hi! Thanks for stopping by my blog. I'm still crossing my fingers for you that you'll see a BFP this cycle. And 33 isn't old. ;-)
