It is official. I am now 33. pffffpt... Is what I think about that.
Anyway, on to other stuff. Had another weird dream. This time I dreamed I entered a room that had twins, a boy and a girl, in a crib. Both of these babies looked to be smaller than a newborn but could already sit up on their own and were drinking cereal thickened formula. I walked in and went and picked up the little boy and asked him "Can I have you again?" I at first thought he said no but there was some other lady in there with me but I never actually saw her, just her arm, who cheered and congratulated me and I asked her why she was so happy and she said he said yes. So I asked him again and he said yes and then I cuddled him feeling extremely happy and then was woken up by my alarm clock.
In other news, it seems that alot of those on my blog list are either in or just ending their own 2ww right now. So far there hasn't been a single bfp. It's a little depressing. I was really hoping for them to have success this month. It seems that March is not the month to get pregnant. I still have about 5 days before I'll know for sure but I'm pretty sure at this point that there is not going to be a positive stick this month. Hopefully next month will be better for everyone and everyone will finally get their bfps.
Work is dragging.... dragging... dragging.... I can't wait until it's time to go home. Unfortunately, I have to go home and do a quick clean. For some reason my parents are coming by to drop off my birthday present. Um, what???? In the last ten years, my parents have visited my place of residence exactly twice. The first was three years ago to see the brand spanking new apartment I had moved into and the second was to come see my new house back in Sept. Why in the world are they coming now? It's just weird and is throwing me off.
Off to distract myself.
Happy Birthdaaaaaayyyyyy!!!!!! Let everything else go & celebrate this day. P.S. ~ I've got fingers & toes crossed for your BFP.