Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Dentists are just weird...

So I went to another dentist for a second opinion.  She mainly agreed with the other dentist.  Even wanted to add an additional thing... but get this..  The first dentist wanted to charge me about $6800.  This dentist is going to charge me around $3000.  Huh??  That is a huge difference.  (Btw.. those numbers are after insurance deducts what they'll pay.)

Honestly, I liked the first dentist better but the second is waaaaayyyy cheaper so I'll be going with her.  She's also a 40 min drive.  Oh well...  at least I'll be able to take care of everything faster with her.

In other news, one of my cats has gone missing.  I had one dog and 2 cats.  The cats I've had for 12 years.  One of them loves to go outside and had taken to running out the backdoor anytime she saw it open.  Usually she would come back in an hour or so and that would be it.  The other day she left and never returned.  I haven't seen her since and have gone looking for her but have had no luck in finding her.  I hope she is okay.  The other cat seems to be happy she is gone.  They've never gotten along very well even though I got them within a month of each other.

I have decided that I've been too much of a hermit and must get out more.... unfortunately, being the hermit I am, I haven't quite figured out where to go...  Will need to think on this longer.

Ps.  Test was again negative.

1 comment:

  1. Oh no! I hate to hear that you cat's gone missing. I'm sure she's alright.

    Everybody's a hermit in the winter. But spring brings so many festivals and fun outings. Try one of those first.

    I've got fingers crossed that you get your positive soon!
