Did I mention I get crazier and crazier? So anyone else have trouble not going out and buying a bunch of baby stuff even though they haven't had a confirmed pregnancy yet?? I'm doing my best to not shop until I get a positive HPT because I don't really know how long it will be before that happens. If this takes years, then I'm probably not going to want to have boxes of baby stuff around during the barren months. At least I'm learning a little more self-control.
Speaking of self-control.... despite the fact that it is over a week too early to test, I am finding it extremely difficult to not just take a test even though I know if I tested now it would be negative no matter what. I am definitely learning self-control to ignore that pregnancy test in the bathroom. One more week, then I can test.
Been having lots of baby dreams. I wake up and really wish I could go back to my beautiful dreams. Last nights dream was about having a daughter but for some reason I didn't have everything ready for the baby and had my family running around getting baby stuff. And for some reason I can't imagine why though, I was staying with them. Besides the sheer happiness and serenity I felt holding my young child, the rest of the details in the dream were either completely absurd or extremely unlikely. The gender of my dream babies change but the one thing that remains the same is the joy and peace of being a mother in my dream. I hope that is the case in real life.
I am going to bed now. I have been extremely tired today despite not doing anything so I'm giving in and going to sleep early. And in no way have I been obsessing about the reason I'm so tired. Nope... not at all.
Obssessing is normal. And so is buying baby stuff. I've bought a storage tub to most of it in. (!)