Wednesday, March 6, 2013

The waiting game..

I thought the 2ww was bad but apparently I didn't have the imagination for the first trimester.  The time since a positive preg test has seemed to take forever.  I would swear that it has been more than just a month and a few days.  If feels more like a year. 

My first prenatal appt is tomorrow but I find myself getting increasingly nervous and pessimistic.  I started with the mantra everything was fine as long as I wasn't seeing blood.  Unfortunately, I visited Dr. and read the wrong article.  While I've had horrible sinus issues (which since I have seasonal allergies could just be related to the season and not preg symptoms), I've only had mild nausea.  I've thrown up a grand total of three times.  I've gagged a lot of times, usually in the grocery store or having to use the ladies restroom at my work but overall the morning sickness (all day sickness since it comes and goes pretty much all day) has been very mild.  Of course, I then read a pregnancy article that talked about the chances of miscarriage are higher in pregnancies with less symptoms.  So now I'm worried that tomorrow's appt will not have happy news.  I'm trying not to think about it too much.

In other news, all that weight I lost, I seemed to have gained back.  My appetite has been really screwy lately and I either over eat or eat stuff I was avoiding a few months ago. 

My mother has finally decided to get excited.  When I first told her, she was just blah about it.  Now she's all excited and wants to tell everyone.  This weekend if drs appt goes okay will be when I start telling everyone else. 

*keeping my fingers crossed that tomorrow goes fine*


  1. The first trimester really is the worst for worry, so you're completely normal in that regard. But try not to stress too much about lack of symptoms. Many, many, many women go through pregnancy with mild or no symptoms (myself included) and end up with a healthy baby at the end of it.

    Good luck tomorrow! Keep us updated.

  2. I never threw up from morning sickness (only from the migraines) and was very pregnant with twins (meaning even more hormones). So I say don't read too much into symptoms or lack thereof. Good luck!
