Monday, March 11, 2013

Telling the Family

So I'm sure every one's noticed that sometimes I tend to be a little over dramatic and expect the worst even when there isn't any reason to suspect the worst.  Back when I was first considering being a SMC, I wholeheartedly believed that at best I would get lukewarm reception from immediate family (dad, step mom, brothers) and although I didn't particularly care about the aunts and uncles reactions, I expected to get some negative reactions there as well.  Fast forward to this weekend when I finally decided it was time to inform the family.  To my utter shock and relieved amazement, my dad and step mom were more excited and supportive than my bio mother has been. 

I could hardly believe it.  I expected lectures on being a single mother and questioning my sanity and finances.  I expected to have to justify my decision... but none of that happened.  They were genuinely thrilled for me and can't wait for the baby to be here.  If you told me last year that they would be happy and excited for this, I would have laughed in your face and said whatever.  I have never been so glad to be wrong before.

So the family is told.  Work will be told today.  I hope they take it as well as everyone else seems to have taken it. 

Had a busy and productive weekend and even got my brothers to drive out and help moving furniture around.  Got a lot done but now I feel like I didn't get a chance to relax at all since I spent so much time doing stuff. 

In other news...  beginning to buy baby stuff.  I've started with cloth diapers since I figured even if I told people my preference they would tell me I'm crazy and just get me disposables.  It is very addictive.  I need to stay away from those sites for awhile before I spend too much.

Fortunately, so far I seem to have fairly mild pregnancy symptoms.  They're there but pretty mild overall.  I definitely have no room to complain about them.  I hope this is a trend that continues.  Unfortunately, I think weight will be an issue.  I'm already overweight but have already gained (too much) weight since being pregnant.  Will need to start watching that carefully.

Well I'm off to catch up on what I missed for my days off last week.

edited to add:  I tried scanning to see if I could a better quality picture of the ultrasound.  Unfortunately, I think that photo turned out better than the scan so I'm not going to bother uploading the scan.


  1. Glad you got a good supportive reaction from your family. I did a combination of cloth and disposable. Cloth at home, disposable at night and when out. Even using cloth part time is a huge money saver.

    1. Saving money is one of the two reasons why I want to cloth diaper. The other is because of allergies. I once handled a clean diaper one of my friends was using and I broke out into hives from it. I don't know which brand but I'm sure that not all of them would cause an issue but it made me start looking into other options.

      What kind of cloth diapers do/did you use?
