Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Nothing and more nothing..

So to keep from peeing on a million sticks, I decided to just not buy any tests.  I think that was a bad idea.  I think that has made me even more crazy if that's possible.  So AF was due Monday or Tuesday.  No show.  Still no show today but I swear it feels like AF is going to start any moment now so I haven't rushed off to buy a test.  But...  I'm driving myself crazy because AF is late.  Now I can't stop hoping even though it feels like AF is going to start any minute now.  Crazy, I say, crazy.

I'm now imagining AF manically cackling rubbing her metaphorical hands in glee.  Crazy!

*stumbles off mumbling nonsense*


  1. When I got my BFP, I had symptoms just like AF was about to start. Only she didn't. I think you should probably POAS tomorrow if she still hasn't shown up!

    1. I really want to go get a test but I'm absolutely terrified it will be negative. Right now I can still drive myself crazy with hope. Although I am planning on getting a test tomorrow if AF still hasn't shown up. But really it feels as if AF is going to start any moment so I keep thinking I'm crazy for even entertaining the thought of testing.

  2. This is exactly how I was feeling, I don't think you have anything to lose at this point by POAS... i so wish you see a BFP :-)
