I got up waaaaaaayyyyyy too early this morning. I was up by 5:30am. An hour later I was at the grocery store then came home and wasted a couple hours until I could go to the bank. I then went to several different places. I got myself a dvd player and a camera (from two different places). Came home and dropped stuff off then went and had my hair cut. Got that done, came home again, ate lunch, then went and had the oil and air filter changed on my car along with getting it washed. Went to home dep.ot but couldn't find what I needed so chickened out and came home once again. Discovered that one of the extras I was talked into for the camera didn't actually work for that camera and went back to where I got it and got what would. Came home, watered the grass, and then decided I couldn't leave my messed up nails as is for another week. I went out and found a different nail place and had them redo them. Went to yet another store and got a floor lamp and fan which I've been wanting to get for months and got some fertilizer for the yard.
Whew... I'm tired now.
Want to use my dvd player but suddenly the hundred dvds I have don't look appealing but it seems that the last video place I used is no longer in business. I'll have to see if there is another local place. I don't want to do the online thing cause I don't want to pay for it every single month. I won't use it every month so it will be a waste of money that I end up regretting.
The dog is finally eating again. yayy....
ps. oh and found time to poas. bfn... I wasn't actually surprised. I haven't felt positive about this cycle at all but I was surprised at how disappointed I was. Since I felt like it hadn't worked from the start, I was expecting the bfn, but apparently emotionally I wasn't. So that was a bummer... which in turn promted the whirlwind errand spree.
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