Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Can I go back to bed, now?

I never got to watch my movie or eat yesterday.  I spent it mostly in bed wishing I could die... or at least pass out.  TMI alert.. you've been warned.  Anyway, since the last time I've been on bcp my af has changed drastically.  It's shorter and much less painful than it used to be.  That all changed yesterday.  I thought it was going to be another okay cycle when apparently af decided that she has given me enough of a break and went full force.  Cramps, nausea, chills, hot flashes, vomiting, etc.. etc...  There is nothing more fun than laying there unable to come up with the energy to move (and trying to decide if it would be okay to just throw up on the carpet cause I don't have the energy to get up and walk five feet to the bathroom) and shivering because you're freezing but also sweating cause you're burning up.  It took a few hours but it was finally over and I passed out for a few hours.  Fortunately, the carpet was spared.  I managed to get a bucket next to the bed.  Ugh...  Let's hope it goes back to the nice cycles.

TMI alert ends.

I still think dentists are evil and sadists.  Ugh... it isn't so much the root canals that bother me.  It's the rest. 

First off, if you're going to numb an area and then inject something into said area... wait until the numbing takes affect. 

Second, telling me to breathe through my nose and take deep breaths when you're jamming a needle in my gum does NOT help in any form or fashion.  What would help is you waiting for the numbing to take place before jamming a needle into my sensitive gums.  (Especially when I've previously mentioned that I both have a very low tolerance for pain and I have a little bit of a phobia of doctors/dentists.)

Third, if you are going to stick something in my mouth to keep my mouth open, I do not appreciate you sticking it in there 15 mins before you actually start working or not occassionally letting me take a break.

Fourth, if you're going to mess around with tiny little file things, do not do so right above my open mouth.  Dropping one into said mouth and then not noticing it for 10 mins is not a nice thing to do to me.  Especially when I'm trying not to swallow it. 

Fifth, telling me to breathe through my nose does not help when said nose is numb and I can't even tell whether I'm breathing through my mouth or my nose. 

Sixth, it also doesn't help when you leave the suction on the wrong side of the mouth and I'm trying not swallow whatever gunk has landed on my throat making the reflex to swallow impossible to ignore.

Seventh, constantly telling me to open my mouth wider, especially since I have a small mouth and already have my mouth open as much as it will go, does not help.  It also doesn't help to tell me to relax my jaw when it is opened as wide as it can go and has starting shaking from me trying to keep it open. 

Having an ipod to listen to and wearing sunglasses does actually help.  I'll have to remember that for future visits.

*who never wants to go to the dentist again*

1 comment:

  1. Oh Marielle!! I just read about your dental visit :( That makes me sad for you!! I'm a pediatric dentist, and I cannot tell you how very much I hate giving shots all day long, every single day. I don't know any of us who do. At least when you go to the doctor, the nurse gets to be the bad guy!! I'm still waiting for the law to change, so my assistant can give the shots!! Why no laughing gas? No valium? Definitely take your ipod!! My dentist has a massage therapist come and give you a foot massage while she works on you if you want one (you as the patient pay for it). My dentist also puts a warm lavendar wrap around your shoulders too. Another dentist friend has virtual reality glasses type things for you to wear to watch a movie of your choice while she drills on your toothies. We have tv screens above each chair here for the kiddos! So see, we're not all mean!! I promise. If I didn't have short little chairs I would have you as a'd probably have fun!! :)

    I hope your next visit goes much much smoother!! I'll send good dental thoughts your way!!!
